Firefighter Courses
Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training offers courses designed to prepare emergency responders to initiate response tasks throughout emergency situations. These courses range from the Introduction to the Fire Service Through the Firefighter I course to the more seasoned position of Apparatus Operator and into specialized courses such as the National Fire Academy’s Incident Safety Officer, Decision Making for Initial Company Officer Operations (DMICO) and Strategy and Tactics of Initial Company Operations (STICO). OSU-FST has been blessed with the Oklahoma State Firefighter Association SAFER Grant. The focus of this grant is recruitment and retention of volunteer firefighters. On average, OSU-FST, has trained 250 firefighters to serve in departments throughout the state with these monies. In addition, OSU-FST currently hosts two firefighter academies to assist municipalities with training needs of firefighters.

Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training offers courses designed to prepare Emergency Responders to initiate response tasks throughout emergency situations. These courses range from the introduction to the fire service through the Firefighter I course to the more seasoned position of Apparatus Operator and into specialized courses such as the National Fire Academy’s Incident Safety Officer, Decision Making for Initial Company Officer Operations (DMICO) and Strategy and Tactics of Initial Company Operations (STICO). OSU-FST has been blessed with Oklahoma State Firefighter Association SAFER Grant. The focus of this grant is recruitment and retention of volunteer firefighters. On average, OSU-FST, has trained 250 firefighters to serve in departments throughout the state with these monies. In addition, OSU-FST currently host two firefighter academies to assist municipalities with training needs of firefighters.
Paddy Metcalf