Emergency Management Courses

Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training offers a full listing of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) training courses from the National Fire Academy (NFA) and the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). These courses train personnel whose job function includes implementing all functions of emergency management. These programs establish the NIMS core curriculum to ensure it adequately trains emergency and incident response personnel to all concepts and principles of each NIMS component. OSU-FST works in conjunction with Oklahoma Emergency Management and Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security to help provide needed NIMS and All Hazard Incident Management Team (A)HIMT courses throughout the state.


Clint Greenwood

Rescue Manager


Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training offers a full listing of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training courses from the National Fire Academy (NFA) and the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). These courses train personnel whose job function includes implementing all functions of emergency management. These programs establish the NIMS core curriculum to ensure it adequately trains emergency and incident response personnel to all concepts and principles of each NIMS component. OSU-FST works in conjunction with Oklahoma Emergency Management and Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security to help provide needed NIMS and All Hazard Incident Management Team (A)HIMT courses throughout the state.

Dean McFadden